A Lighter Note

How bizarre to think of the passing of time not in seasons, blooming flowers and solstices, but in successive lockdowns. Number one —was it spring or fall? How come Valparaíso was always covered in a grey fog?— lockdown two—only two hours of sunlight, it was definitely winter— and now three—the light is warm, at least.

Each period of isolation brought a wide array of emotions into my home—without knocking even, would you believe it? Somehow this time, there is more levity to it. I wouldn’t say it has a light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel feeling, I stopped making those bets a long time ago, but there’s a strange familiarity to it. Or perhaps I am in a better place.

I really don’t have the energy for a photography project though, and I don’t know that I want to dig so deeply into my emotions. Pandora’s box is locked, I threw away the key, out the window, and into the ocean —I could swear I heard a splash. But I do have an Instax camera lying around, and plenty of film. The light bounces so joyfully around the apartment, it would be a shame… why not take note of these lively colors, passing lights and brighter thoughts?